Wednesday, December 21, 2011

on the first night...

 I've been battling this flu/sinus thing for the past four days, so our first night of Hanukkah was pretty low-key.  No latkes, no soufganyot (jelly donuts)...but we did have some frozen banana dreidels...
 These were sooo good.  I originally made them with pound cake, but they were breaking too easily, so I switched to banana.  Reduced the calorie count by quite a bit and the kids gobbled them up!

I made tags this year for the boys' gifts.
And this year, since the boys are older now, we decided to have a pick-your-own-adventure for Hanukkah gifts.  The first night they had to open gift number one, and each consecutive night they will be able to choose which of the remaining gifts they would like to open.  So we have them all set out.
Gift number one were their big things this year...the little one snagged himself a Kindle Fire, and the big guy over there got himself his first ever cell phone.
Which we hid in a book.
He was none too pleased.
Until he opened it up.
Ha.  The little moments of torture make me so happy. ;)

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